Military UAV is an unmanned aerial vehicle controlled and operated by remote control equipment or self-prepared programs. According to its control methods, it is mainly divided into three types: radio remote control, automatic program control and comprehensive control.

With the widespread application of high and new technologies in weapons and equipment, breakthroughs have been made in the research and development of drones. They have frequently appeared in local wars and made military exploits repeatedly, and have been highly praised by military personnel from various countries. It is foreseeable that in the 21st century, drones will On the battlefield, people will face more and more drones, and military drones will reshape the way of combat in the 21st century.

As a member of modern air military forces, military drones have the characteristics of no casualties, few restrictions on use, good concealment, and high efficiency and cost ratio. It plays an increasingly prominent role in modern warfare and recent local wars.

Military drones have the characteristics of exquisite structure, strong concealment, easy use, low cost, and flexible performance. It is mainly used for battlefield reconnaissance, electronic jamming, carrying cluster bombs, missiles and other weapons to perform offensive missions, as well as air communication relay platforms, nuclear test samplers, nuclear explosions and nuclear radiation reconnaissance aircraft.

in future wars. High, medium, low altitude and long, medium and short range military UAVs will perform a variety of strategic and tactical tasks such as reconnaissance and early warning, tracking and positioning, special operations, relay communications, precision guidance, information countermeasures, battlefield search and rescue. In the future, they will be used in The scope and fields of military applications will continue to expand and expand.

intelligence reconnaissance
Reconnaissance drones are equipped with photoelectric, radar and other sensors to achieve all-weather comprehensive reconnaissance capabilities. Reconnaissance methods are efficient and diverse. It can scan information over the battlefield at high speed, fly at low speed or hover and stare, providing real-time intelligence support to the military. UAVs can penetrate deep into the enemy's hinterland, get as close as possible to the enemy's signal radiation source, and intercept important low-power short-range communication signals on the battlefield, which has obvious advantages. High-altitude long-endurance strategic reconnaissance UAVs fly over reconnaissance targets, replace part of the functions of satellites, perform high-altitude reconnaissance missions, and capture clear ground pictures through high-resolution camera equipment, which is of great strategic significance. Portable UAVs can meet tactical tasks such as company-level and platoon-level battlefield surveillance, target reconnaissance, and damage assessment. In the Iraq War, U.S. drones provided 50% of enemy fixed and moving target reconnaissance intelligence. The entire process of distributing information does not take more than 10 minutes.

Military strike
UAVs can carry a variety of precision attack weapons to attack ground and sea targets, can also carry air-to-air missiles for air combat, and can also conduct anti-missile interception. Combat drones carry combat units, discover important targets and conduct real-time attacks, achieving "combined observation and combat". It can reduce casualties and improve the attack capability of the troops. Combat drones can be deployed in advance to intercept tactical missiles during the boost phase and destroy incoming missiles at long distances, serving as an important air defense force. Attack-type anti-radiation drones carry small and powerful precision-guided weapons, laser weapons or anti-radiation missiles to attack radars, communication and command equipment, etc. Tactical attack drones can replace missiles in some combat fields. A one-time attack on the enemy in the form of a suicide attack; the main attack drone is large and fast. It can attack and engage in air combat, attack and intercept ground and air targets. It is an important means to achieve global rapid strike capability. In the NATO air strike on Libya, it used the "Predator" to launch the "Helpfa" missile to carry out air strikes on Libya, accurately struck ground targets, and fought side by side with the mi-25 fighter jets, becoming the first direct air-to-air military unmanned aerial vehicle. machine. Air combat.

information confrontation
Due to its unique advantages, on the battlefield, UAVs can take off at any time in harsh environments, fight against laser guidance, microwave communications, command networks and other optoelectronic information and complex electromagnetic environments, effectively blocking enemy attacks, command and reconnaissance Capacity equipment to improve the efficiency of its own information operations. Electronic countermeasures drones carry out reconnaissance and jamming of command communication systems, ground radars and various electronic equipment, supporting the operations of various attack aircraft and bombers: decoy drones carry radar echo intensifiers or infrared simulators to simulate air targets, It deceives enemy radars and missiles, induces enemy radar and other electronic reconnaissance equipment to activate, induces enemy air defense weapons to fire, and covers the penetration of its own fleet; drones can also carry out psychological operations by throwing propaganda materials and shouting slogans at the enemy battlefield. war.

communication relay
in future wars. The communication system is the lifeline of battlefield command and control and the focus of attacks by both hostile parties. The UAV communication network can establish powerful redundant backup communication links to improve survivability. Backup communication networks can quickly recover after being attacked and play an irreplaceable role in network-centric warfare. High-altitude long-endurance UAVs expand communication distances, use satellites to provide alternative links, and directly link with land-based terminals to reduce the threat of physical attacks and noise interference. Combat communication drones use a variety of data transmission systems, and line-of-sight simulated data transmission systems are used between combat units.

Logistics Services
With the development of drone technology. Its mission area has also been expanded. In recent years, the US military has begun to explore the use of drones to undertake logistical support tasks such as material transportation, fuel supply and even patient evacuation. When UAVs undertake such tasks, they not only have the advantages of being unaffected by complex terrain environments, being fast, and avoiding ambush by enemies on the ground, but also have the characteristics of low cost and simple operation. The K-MAX unmanned helicopter developed by American Kaman Aviation successfully completed the world's first unmanned aerial vehicle cargo mission in Afghanistan on December 17, 2011, and has been deployed in Afghanistan for a long time.
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